Donors for April 15, 2014

Here are the donors for today’s giveaway. I had a massive influx of BOFFs in the past couple of days. It looks like I am going to have to place some of them on the exchange as they are taking up a ton of bag space. I even purchased additional space to help, but I am still right at capacity. Unfortunately, I cannot move those BOFFs to my bank or to anywhere else. I cannot keep them in the mail as they count against my space as well. I am trying to get them all given away, but most of them are being turned down. Some of the more sought after ones I will keep on hand, but the others may need to go to the exchange. The money earned from their sale will go toward more items for the giveaway.

A couple of other things I need to address here. One player in particular today was trying to trade back claimed items to get back under the 3 item daily cap. As rule 12 clearly states, this is not allowed. Any items sent back will be considered donations and will not be returned. What made this attempt worse was that one of the items they were given was an unopened item box and they sent me back the item unboxed which made it much less valuable. Unfortunately, that item may never be given away now.

One last thing. Many people are trying to hold conversations with me in whisper while I am doing the event. I have mentioned it before – it is very hard for me to keep track of all the items, the whispers, and number of items people have claimed, new donations, and have a conversation at the same time. Today, several people were all trying to hold one with me while I was doing everything else. I just can’t do that. It is far too hard to do all of it at once. I don’t want anyone to think you are a bother to me. You are not! I enjoy the conversations I have with other players and donors, but during the event I need to try to stay focused on what I am doing to avoid any negative situations. Once the event is over and I am just running around the game playing, I would certainly welcome any conversations.

Thank you all again for your understanding and continued support! I look forward to hearing from you all in-game!

donors 1 April 15

Posted on April 15, 2014, in Star Trek Online and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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